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ويندوز Windows 10 Pro DVD Release 2018

فيديو: ويندوز Windows 10 Pro DVD Release 2018

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ويندوز Windows 10 Pro DVD Release 2018 نسخة ويندوز 10 التجميعية والمعدلة باحتراف Windows 10 Pro DVD Release by StartSoft 2018 والتى تم تعديلها بشكل مميز بحذف العديد من البرمجيات التى تسبب ثقلاً فى النظام بشكل عام كذلك تم دمج اداة Startback الشهيرة والتفعيل والعديد من المزايا المميزة ما تم حذفه من إصدارات LITE داخل الأسطوانة : - Browser Microsoft Edge, Microsoft Sollitaire Collection, Microsoft Store, OneDrive, OneNote, Paind 3D, Skype, Sticky Notes, XBoX, Alarm Clock and Clock, Your Phone, Background Voice Recording, Camera, Movie and TV, Game Menu, My Office, Music Groove, Mixed Reality Portal,))): Mail, Tips, Messages, Mixed Reality Viewer, Rate Plans, Technical Support, Photographs, Fragment Draft, Feedback Center, Maps, Action Recorder, Narrator, Weather, removed from the panel tasks section "People". الإصدارات بداخل هذه النسخة - Windows 10 Pro - Windows 10 Pro Edge - Windows 10 Pro Lite - Windows 10 Pro Lite Start Menu 7 - Windows 10 Pro with Programs - Windows 10 Pro with Programs Start Menu 7 - Windows 10 Pro with Programs Edge - Windows 10 Pro with Programs Edge Start Menu 7 - Windows 10 Pro Lite with Programs - Windows 10 Pro Lite with Programs Start Menu 7 الفروق بين الإصدارات داخل الأسطوانة كالتالى Features editions of Windows 10 Pro Version 40-2018 (en-Us) and version 41-2018 (ru-Ru): Revision Windows 10 Pro: - Installs the original image without the Edge browser and the OneDrive application (Original image, Missing browser Edge, Missing OneDrive app). =============== Editing Windows 10 Pro Edge: - Install the original image with all applications (Original image with All Applications) =============== Windows 10 Pro Lite Edition: - The operating system is installed without metro_applications (Missing app_s) =============== Revision Windows 10 Pro Lite Start Menu 7 - The operating system is installed without metro_applications (Missing app_s), only the StartIsBack program (Start Menu Windows 7) is installed. =============== Editing Windows 10 Pro with applications: - Installs all applications except the Edge browser and the OneDrive application (with Programs, Missing browser, Missing OneDrive app) - Additionally integrated Adobe Flash Player, Visual C ++ package, DirectX libraries, Java (TM) Platform SE 10.0.2 activated MS.NET Framework 2.0-3.5 package. =============== Editing Windows 10 Pro with Start Menu 7 Applications: - Installs all applications except the Edge browser and the OneDrive application (with Programs, Missing browser, Missing OneDrive app) - Additionally integrated Adobe Flash Player, Visual C ++ package, DirectX libraries, Java (TM) Platform SE 10.0.2 activated MS.NET Framework 2.0-3.5 package. - Installed the StartIsBack program (Start menu "Start" as in Windows 7). =============== Editing Windows 10 Pro with Edge applications: - All applications are installed including the Edge browser and the OneDrive application (with Programs, browser Edge, OneDrive app) - Additionally integrated Adobe Flash Player, Visual C ++ package, DirectX libraries, Java (TM) Platform SE 10.0.2 activated MS.NET Framework 2.0-3.5 package. =============== Editing Windows 10 Pro with Edge Start Menu 7 Applications: - All applications are installed including the Edge browser and the OneDrive application (with Programs, browser Edge, OneDrive app) - Additionally integrated Adobe Flash Player, Visual C ++ package, DirectX libraries, Java (TM) Platform SE 10.0.2 activated MS.NET Framework 2.0-3.5 package. - Installed the StartIsBack program (Start menu "Start" as in Windows 7). =============== Editing Windows 10 Pro Lite with applications: - Integrated Adobe Flash Player, Visual C ++ package, DirectX libraries, Java (TM) Platform SE 10.0.2 activated MS.NET Framework 2.0-3.5 package. - Metro_applications are missing =============== Editing Windows 10 Pro Lite with Start Menu 7 Applications: - Integrated Adobe Flash Player, Visual C ++ package, DirectX libraries, Java (TM) Platform SE 10.0.2 activated MS.NET Framework 2.0-3.5 package. - Metro_applications are missing - Installed the StartIsBack program (Start menu "Start" as in Windows 7). اللغة : الإنجليزية وتدعم العربية . الحجم : 4.5 جيجا

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